Ian Vásquez Today, December 17, we’re releasing the tenth edition of the annual Human Freedom…
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Romina Boccia and Dominik Lett As part of the Cato Institute Report to the Department…
Illustration: The Verge Google Home is testing a new feature that will allow friends and…
‘President-elect Donald Trump’s popularity has reached a seven-year high and the majority of Americans approve…
Several Senate Democrats are pushing a constitutional amendment to abolish the Electoral College and replace…
Vance will likely be 2028 front-runner, but RNC chair ‘excited about the bench that we have’
With former president and now President-elect Donald Trump unable to run again for the White…
Top Republican touts ‘real motivation’ behind House DOGE Caucus’ mission before first meeting
A co-chair of the House of Representatives’ Congressional DOGE Caucus said there is ‘real motivation’…